Life Jacket Loaner Program
The Garden Valley Fire Protection District has partnered with the California Department of Boating and Waterways to bring a life jacket loaner program to the Divide. To barrow a life jacket, simply follow the steps outlined below.
STEP 1 – Come down to our main station located at 4860 Marshall rd. in garden Valley. At the front of the station, you will see a life jacket rack containing three different size life jackets.
STEP 2 – Read the attached information about selecting the proper life jacket size.
STEP 3 – Barrow the amount of life jackets you will need.
STEP 4 – Teach your child how to float using a life jacket. This is especially important while visiting our local rivers. refer to the flyer below for more details.
STEP 5 – When you are done enjoys our local waterways, please return the life jacket to Garden Valley Fire and hand them on the rack to dry.
Please keep in mind that life jackets are limited. This program is run on the honor system. Not returning or returning damaged life jackets will result in other children not having a safe experience. You can find more information on the life jacket loaner program here.